Welcome to Tennadyne

About Us

About Us

The Founder

Tennadyne Corp. was founded in Ft. Collins, Colorado by Chuck Brainard (KA1PM) in 1986 and soon after operations were moved to Junction City, Texas.  As the chief design engineer, Chuck developed a series of LPDA models that spanned 6MHz up to 1.3GHz for use in amateur radio, commercial and military applications.  Originally built on dual round tube booms, these designs evolved into a more robust square tube design, which also alleviated certain challenges in the manufacturing and assembly processes.  A favorite among US State Department operators, these broadband designs were deployed atop US embassies around the world, where many are still in operation today. 

Tennadyne LLC - Alto, MI

After 15 years, Chuck passed the torch to Roger Greenfield (WB8NDC) of Alto, Michigan who purchased the company in 2001.  Roger would go on to produce many LPDAs for the same clientele that came to know Tennadyne as a high-quality and durable design with excellent performance specifications.  Roger remained in contact with Chuck for many years, and the two collaborated on the development of several new and upgraded models, including the XD-line product line that offered 10-30MHz coverage.  In addition to LPDAs, Roger also launched a series of All Band Wire Antennas, that are very popular with national net controllers, MARS, SHARES, Civil Air Patrol and emergency operations centers that required a simple but effective wide band solution.  Roger and his wife Nancy travelled to many hamfests to include the big three in Dayton, Orlando and Huntsville, meeting with customers and fellow hams. 

In 2020, after many years in the business and the supply chain chaos created by covid-19 , Roger was ready to retire and was quietly looking for a successor to carry on with the brand.  In addition to the Tennadyne product line, the well known Cubex brand was also part of the package, which Roger purchased in 2010 to compliment his company’s catalog. 

For several years I had my eyes on a Cubex antenna system.  I’m a big fan of quads and have scratch built several designs.  During conversations with Roger, we discussed his interest in winding things down and selling the brands.  In October 2021 Roger and I struck a deal, and I decided to purchase the brands. 

Operating under my parent company (Eleven Bravo LLC – an Oklahoma based company) operations were relocated to Collinsville, Oklahoma.  It took a little time to get things up and running, but with 20+ years in manufacturing, engineering, customer service, sales and marketing roles, I was able to establish supply chain and shipping and focus on many process improvements that helped us to streamline the production of these highly custom and hand-made products. 

Now in our fourth year and with nearly 500 shipments worldwide, we continue to refine our operations to improve capacity while maintaining high quality standards as our primary focus.  Assisted by my son, Tyler (W5EAA) we have supplied hundreds of systems to amateur, commercial, public and emergency service operators, receiving very positive feedback from our customers.  We may not be the quickest solution with our “first- come, first-served” approach, but we do our best to expedite these hand-built projects in short order.  Most importantly, our quality is paramount. 

World-class antenna systems with nearly 40 years combined history and experience, Tennadyne is revered as one of the finest wide band, single-feedline gain antennas available today, and is the choice of many discerning operators. 

If you want a simple and durable single feedline directional antenna that utilizes no lossy coils or troublesome moving parts, the Tennadyne LPDA is hard to beat.


Mark – K5YAC 

Are you looking for a no-compromise antenna system that will open and close the bands?  

Click on the logo to visit our sister company… the choice of DX Kings!